That burrito was delicious, and
Behind the Scenes at the Museum is good, too. A bit of a slog at first, but now I look forward to the few moments each day I have to read it (usually while doing something else, too: eating lunch, walking from my desk to the bedroom to pet the dog, feeling guilty for not working on The Thing). It's quite different from
the Jackson Brodie mysteries, which I’m not ashamed to say I love -- there’s nothing wrong with stories in which someone is killed and someone else spends the entire book trying to figure out whodunit, just like there's nothing wrong with TV shows in which wealthy Upper-East-Side teenagers get drunk, have sex, and are mean to each other.
Oh Kater - there are more ways that I love you than I could even begin to count. In this particular case, it's Gossip Girl related - though I should say that Matt refuses to let me watch the show. Ask Maura - it's true (and, based on your affection for the series, clearly a travesty.) Anyway, just when a day feels as gray and crappy as they come, you post 126 little words online and a perfectly placed ray of sunshine warms up my funny-bone. And yes, for those who are wondering, I copied and pasted your entry into Word to get a word count. As I mentioned in a recent email to you, I'm a sad sad man.
ReplyDeleteOh William, you yourself are a little ray of sunshine, not a sad sad man. I'm shocked, though, that the little ray of sunshine who is your mister refuses to let you watch GG. He is not exactly in a position to be throwing stones in the glass house where he watches television (ANTM) and movies (uh, Gossip Girl is like Masterpiece Theater when compared to Showgirls). Hopefully someday soon over dinner (most likely soup) I will be able to learn M La Bee's (il)logic and see both of your cute faces.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I proofread Dusty's personal ad at work tonight, and I think I'm in love. DON'T TELL ABE LINCOLN.
ReplyDeleteDusty is a love - totally sweet and totally adorable. But so is Abe Lincoln and you have room for only one dog - so he need not fret. Just to be sure though, I'll keep a lid on it.
ReplyDeleteWJR, for real, we need to get some GG in your life. It ain't right. You would love it and so would Labarjeray. The thing is, we just need to trick him into watching it once or twice and then he would be totally hooked. It's so good!
ReplyDeleteIt's like Showgirls on the upper east side!