Thursday, May 14, 2009

grueling day at the office

I wore a power suit to work today (please note that the socks match the sweatpants), and on the off chance that location is my problem, I tried working on the couch instead of at my desk. Yesterday, also hoping for a geographical cure, I left the house entirely and camped out at the lovely Sapa teahouse.

It actually sort of worked, though I had to put on what I call "street pants" (jeans), which was a little more effort than I could exert today.


  1. Let the record show that I am AT my office, but I will most certainly lose my job for GFD. I am completely obsessed, namely because I am a latent reader and am now catching up by reading the posts of March, etc.

    I'm also starting to realize that I consistently am "5 years behind girl"... like I wanted to comment on a few of the hilarious posts of months past, but thought that would be lame. Much like how I saw the movie 'Frantic' the other day & really wished to talk about it with anyone. However, given that it was a 1988 film with no real prominence, no one was inclined to engage. So much for living in the past.

  2. I'm jst curious, are you ever going to update GFD again? Um, this post was Thursday and it's now Sunday. WTF?

  3. Stephanie IS hilarious. I obsessively check my own bl*g for all the witty comments.
