Wednesday, May 13, 2009

i have a complex inner life

Yesterday I put my lunch on two plates and called it tapas.

And when I say I called it tapas, I mean to myself. In my mind. While I ate. I also thought of myself as a tapas chef and then wished this tapas restaurant had a dishwasher.


  1. What an alternative to thisiswhyyourefat. Tater tots, be damned....I'm running out for a fresh spring egg on a plate all its own.

  2. Hey ladies,
    I tried those eggs we talked about. They don't taste fishy at all, they are delicious! Should I talk to her about a biweekly or weekly pickup??

  3. Tater Tots are actually one of my favorite foods. I kid you not. Back in my twenties, when I had the metabolism of a ten-year-old boy on crack, I would make an entire bag of Tater Tots and eat it in one sitting. Ah, youth.
