Friday, July 31, 2009

i was born in vermont

The South gave us Candy, Bimbo, J. Quizzle, my mother-in-law, and the best name for a grocery store ever (what I would not give to shop at a place called the Piggly Wiggly). However, most of the population is apparently borderline retarded and racist. They do not deserve a Piggly Wiggly.



  1. Even more disturbing is when you take into account that all those Nos and Unsures in the South are not only xenophobic but also armed.

    That said, after seeing my everyday life charted on a graph, I'd be afeared to leave my house to go to the Piggly Wiggly if I didn't have a gun.

    Candy, where you at?

  2. But, darlin', they INVENTED Piggly Wiggly...the first self-serve grocery store in the US. With the cutest little pig on the logo that you could ever imagine. Now THAT takes solid thinking.

    Unfortunately, somewhere along the way they added airconditioning, invented in the north, I think, which meant too much time inside listening to Fox news.

    Actually, I think southerners intentionally give the wrong answers to those silly pollsters to keep the Yankee riff-raff too scared to come on down.

  3. J Quizzle - Tread lightly, this is a very sensitive subject with Candy. She honestly and truly thinks people in the south are not racist.

  4. Because these people are solid thinkers for sure!!!

  5. Some of us have a hard time characterizing an entire region as being one way or the other. It's a judgement (or lack of) thing.

  6. Not me! I'm happy to judge. If you need someone or something judged or characterized you just ring me up! I'm your girl.

    By the way, it looks as though only 55% of the south is getting judgement here so not really the ENTIRE region is being characterized, more like a little over half.

  7. By the by, "Yankee riff raff" isn't a judgement?

  8. Score 1 (or 1 billion) for the South:
