Tuesday, July 7, 2009


It's been a very exciting, if unproductive, morning here at GFD HQ Internat'l.

In the park, my totem animal.

In the toaster, a fire.

That's right, a fire! That piece of toast was actually on fire! And that's not a metaphor meaning the toast was doing a great job or winning a race, it was literally on fire! It had to be put out! By me! Using a wet dishtowel! (Note to Dad: I unplugged the toaster oven first.) I contemplated baking soda but that seemed messy. I also contemplated grabbing my camera to try and get a photo of the actual flames, but ultimately that would have been messier.



  1. I'm nervous. A toaster fire is bound to bring one thing...burnt toast! Awww nuts!

  2. M. LaBee, my new favorite thing about this bl*g is you commenting on this bl*g. And my new favorite thing to say is "Awww nuts!"

  3. My new favorite Bee-ism is "Don't you try to trick me!" - I've been saying to everyone from MeatMan to Catman!

  4. Matt LaBee might have gotten that from me!
