Sunday, March 7, 2010

happy anniversary to us

That's right: One year ago today, Gruel for Dinner was born. One year ago today your bl*g mistress made not just her first but her first three posts here (someone was apparently quite bored on March 7, 2009). In the intervening 365 days, the readership of GFD has doubled from six to twelve people; I've made many pots of gruel; the yachtsman has made me fat on cake; and J Quizzle has made lots of comments, god bless him. To celebrate our first birthday, I'll be making not just one but three posts here this week. There will be gruel. There will be a free giveaway. And the most exciting Yachtsman Recommends segment to date. So set your bookmarks, clear you cache, and get ready to accept your cookies [whatever that means; the yachtsman wrote this part], 'cause it's year two of GFD.

Thanks for reading, bitches.


  1. Happy bidet!

  2. it's your anniversary, go gruel for dinner, it's your anniversay, go gruel for dinner...

  3. thanks for making my year just a little bit brighter.

  4. been trying to figure out how to sing the special birfday song to a one year old but it's a little stunted when you get to the counting part!

  5. Happy Birthday, dear GFD! Thanks to you I have certainly been eating better this year. And I'll bet that, given a lie detector test, even your dyed-in-the-wool-hard-core-meat-eating-non-cooking readers will admit to a new fondness for gruel!

  6. Bon anniversaire to the leader of all bitches! I will anxiously await the posts to come in this celebratory week. I do so hope that year 2 will see a re-emergence of the use of Funyuns in many a gruel recipe.

  7. Nice one. Only one year. Somehow when I started reading these I felt like I was very far behind, and was going to wait for the Best Of book rather than try to catch up. I think of doggies and birthday parties, and it has been a big year. Glad someone's keeping track.

  8. What's up bitches?!??!! I heart GFD, I require a post per day for at least a month in celebration.
    Also, giveaway? I like a giveaway. Can I win even though I am technically a relative of someone who works at GFD?
    I have made many a recipe from GFD but my husband never makes me cake, what the fuck?
    Maybe the give away can be on his birthday and I can win for bringing him into our family?

  9. Happy B-Day GFD. You've brightened up my dark winter mornings and given me an incentive to finally negotiate the googles thing. Love, Yer Maw (Who will cease to become "Anonymous" after a day with my favorite techie,Lucky Lady).
