Monday, April 18, 2011

a sign of spring

Or at least a sign that the anniversary of Our Lord Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead is just around the corner: my Greek stepmother's koulouria, delicious little biscuit-like cookies that have something, I have no idea what, to do with Easter.

(I just realized that Jesus was a zombie; I also realized that, in spite of the fact that I attended Catholic church every Sunday growing up and went weekly to CCD, I cannot for the life of me recall what Jesus did after he rose from the dead—I'm assuming he didn't eat anyone's brains [I'd definitely remember that]; MAYBE HE ATE KOULOURIA?!?)


  1. After he rose from the dead? Didn't he haunt a few folks to let them know they'd been wrong about him or to shame them for doubting him or some shiz, and then peace out to heaven? And Mary Magdalene came out of the whole thing smelling like roses?

  2. But I forget who it was who laid the pastel eggs.

  3. Very amused. Very.

    But, what is this 'spring' that you refer to? I've heard of it, but have not actually experienced it.

  4. Can't wait for Christmas. Maybe we'll have a new posting to read w His birth.

  5. beautiful Sign of spring . amazing your idea and that's good look. thanks
