I swore to myself that I wasn't going to complain on this bl*g anymore about the weather, but so far this morning it has snowed, sleeted, and freezing rained. I guess I should be grateful there are no locusts falling from the sky, but it's early yet.
What I am grateful for are the 21 grapefruit that I ordered online because my mother-in-law convinced me they are better than the ones at the grocery store (she's right). And I convinced myself that this winter citrus grown in West Texas is a sign of spring in Vermont.
I've made no such promise on my blog, and as today was supposed to be 43 and raining, and instead is 32 and snowing (following the sleet earlier when it was 34), and I'm just completely done in. It's freakin' early APRIL!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the grapefruit I got from the store is dry.
Sunny and a high of 75 this week in Tennessee. In case anybody is wondering.
ReplyDeleteGrapefruit is my all time favorite thing for breakfast. I have a half every morning and am convinced it keeps me svelte. And if you believe that, I have a bridge.... Your m-i-l is right. The ones from Texas are the best.
ReplyDeleteYou were robbed, DED, of that 43 degree day and delicious grapefruit. And I think you should sue someone: the state of Maine, your local meteorologist, possibly the grocery store, and definitely J Quizzle for the emotional damage inflicted by his bragging about the weather in Tennessee.
ReplyDeleteJ Quizzle, see you in court.
My M-I-L is always right when it comes to matters of food, WW. Re: grapefruit keeping us svelte, I wouldn't know, as my morning dose of citrus is followed by a day so packed full of calories, there's no fooling myself. But about that bridge...
Christmas citrus and avocadoes from my brother's SoCal ranch are so long gone they are barely a memory. You have the right idea and not heeding DED, I am going to see if my California roots will enable me to pick some good grapefruit at our market. Vitamin C desperately needed!
ReplyDeleteOn Monday I came up with a new term -- snaining -- for our wretched rain/sleet/snow storm that afternoon. The promised sou'easter turned into a nor'wester. Cold, gray, wet. It's freaking April! There aren't enough carbs in the world to make up for this weather, but I have been trying.
A distant, lifeless planet and Tennessee have at least one thing in common.
ReplyDeleteIf wishes were horses, Sidekick, I'd be riding mine at your brother's SoCal ranch, picking grapefruit from the saddle. I hope it's no longer snaining where you are!
ReplyDeleteI give up, Anonymous.