Thursday, March 26, 2009


On his walk to work yesterday morning, Chris and I spotted a tree covered with little red nubs that we though were buds. Sadly, they were just dead fruit left over from last year.

But it got into the mid-50s yesterday afternoon (for my Southern reader, this time of year in Vermont that's basically a heatwave), so I walked down to the lake looking for signs of spring. What I mostly found were the last vestiges of winter.

There's still snow in the Adirondacks:

There's even a little bit of snow on the shore of the lake:

And this rude bird acted as if he didn't even see me:

After being snubbed by that gull I walked up to Church Street, where if the freaks are any indication, spring has definitely sprung, or puked (I actually thought I saw Joaquin Phoenix, but it was just some scarily hirsute UVM hippie, which brings me to this question: Which came first, Joaquin Phoenix or the scarily hirsute UVM hippies?).

But it was there among the weirdos, college students, college-student weirdos, and others (mostly babies) flocking to our little pedestrian mall to enjoy the sun that I finally found what I was looking for: Buskers! Spring is here!


  1. I think I need a photo that shows the hirsute part.

  2. come to my house. daffodils, tulips and crocus all showing their little sprouts!

  3. I can't wait to come to your house, Mojie!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mojie, did I read somewhere that croci look like vaginas, or am I making that up?

    I have never experienced a crocus. Literally and figuratively.

  6. Mojie, if you put up a photo of your crocus, J Quizzle will put up a photo of his hirsute parts.

  7. Mojie, I would love to see your crocus, but just so we're clear, in return I will only be willing to post a picture of an experimental composer's anus that the composer sent me, unsolicited. And I warn you, his arse is not hirsute, but clean-shaven and rather bony.

  8. Stand by people, I am going to take a picture of said Crocus RIGHT NOW!!!
    I will also say, I have never seen a vagina that looked like a crocus and I've seen a few.

  9. OK, I emailed a picture of the crocus to Sasster. I realized I can't post anything but letters here. It's bullshit. I want picture posting rights!

  10. i thought i saw that guy from american idol -- the one who's from malone (my homeland). but he's still on american idol, so i was mistaken.
