Tuesday, April 14, 2009

this afternoon

The littlest sass and the cutest dog nap in the other room...

while I eat the last of the deliciousest cupcakes.


  1. Look how peaceably those two sleep. If only they knew you were about to abandon them for the labia-reduction capitol of world.

  2. My word verification for that last comment was "cinvidia." Is it just me, or do all the word verifications on here sound like scary-ass STDs? Anyone?

  3. I got a manicure today, because you know it's gonna kill me if the trannies look prettier than I do. Which they usually do. Hopefully I can at least compete with the nuns, unless they are the Julie Andrews kind, in which case I'm gonna be the homeliest girl in town. With nice nails.

  4. I like that "littlest sass" is the only one whose face makes the blog. I feel this should stay the case forever. It's good. Plus she is SO cute it kind of hurts my eyes.

  5. Oh my god Jquizzle - my verification word was ainitis. Gross.
