Friday, June 19, 2009

this time with basil oil

Ain't nothin' wrong with that.


  1. These eggy salads are all fine and good, but lately when I've been reading GFD posts, regardless of content, I find my mind wandering to Chaz Bono. Can we get out entertainment correspondent, Mojie, on that (excellent coverage of Mel Gibson's divorce, by the by)? I'm not looking for the facts. I'm not even looking for that many opinions. Primarily I simply want to know: Would you tap that?

  2. a. N-to-the-no.
    b. Are you insulting my bl*g?
    c. Would *you* tap that?
    d. When are we going to get krunk on Laura Ingalls' grave?

  3. Would I tap Chaz Bono?? Good lord, have you seen my husband? He is HOT, Chaz Bono, not so much my love!

    I can give you lots of facts and even many opinions on the transition of CB, however, I can only give you one answer to your question. HELLS NO! Or as Whitney would say: Hell to the no!

    By the by J. Quizzle, did you see my fb update? My outlaws brought my husband a handgun as a gift on this visit. What the what??

  4. Holy Jesus! I just made this recipe.

    I went to the farmer's market and got digger's mirth arugula and jericho settler's farm eggs, proceeded to the coop for basil and wandered to GFD's house to steal balsamic onions since they so foolishly left them unattended and even more foolishly gave me a key!!!

    While at the farmer's market I peeped some Doe's Leaf chevre and snapped it up. I added little dollops of that to the recipe and you CAN NOT believe how delicious this is! Seriously people. Do it! The basil oil takes 10 minutes to make and now we have a jar full in the fridge.

    I can not exaggerate the deliciousness of this recipe. DO IT!!!! Yum and also yum!

  5. For cryin' out loud Quizzle, this bl*g is about GRUEL not Chaz Bono or Entertainment. Although I do have a mild curiousity about CB, since I have no idea who he is.

    Mojie, your additions sound fabulous.

  6. Um, EBiddie, this bl*g is a little bit about entertainment gossip, you have to admit. What with the GG updates and all. Plus, where else is JQuizz supposed to get his entertainment info???

    By the by EBiddie, Chaz Bono is Sonny and Cher's biological child who was born female and is transitioning to male. Keep up!!

  7. There is a definite curiosity factor that makes a romp with Chaz Bono briefly tempting, but ultimately I think you can count me also as a resounding H to the N. EBiddie, now that you're in the know, what say you? Kate, could you ask the Yachtsman? I think we need at least five respondents to make this poll scientific.

  8. Mojie, the next time I come to Vermont I'm bringing my pistol so we can hit up the shooting range. If we also have a Fry Fest while I'm in town, I'll feel like I never left Arkansas.

  9. Given that I had to ask a 30-something to explain Tap (Oh my....although I have already practiced using it in a complete sentence), and that I processed H to the N for about 45 minutes determined to figure it out on my own (Heaven what?), I think I am the wrong person to participate in a scientific poll on Entertainment.

    However, Quizzle and Mojie, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit to googling Chaz Bono for a little more info. I also am up-to-date on Little House on the Prairie, but can't for the life of me sort out why that would be interesting....

  10. EBiddie - God love ya!

    JQuizz - It's on, fryin' and shootin'! Bring it.
