But this little bowl of gruel is what I'll be eating for lunch every day this week (in France that's called the gruel de la semaine), so I thought I'd share it with you.
TexMex Gruel
brown rice
black beans
fresh avocado
hot sauce
Mix it all up in a bowl and eat.
A few notes:
1. Other bl*gs would give you a recipe for fresh, homemade salsa. At Gruel for Dinner, we (that would be the royal we) are telling you what to buy (this is the gruel de la semaine, people, not dinner for the queen): Herdez salsa. It's the best jarred salsa out there. This is not an opinion, it's a fact. If you disagree, off with your head.
2. When you're making that brown rice, toss in a cube of Rapunzel bouillon, and your rice will be tastier, if not necessarily TexMexier.
Many years ago, I was the proud recipient of your "recipe" for ravioli frozenee with sauce a la jar - and I have to say it absolutely counts as a recipe and is perhaps one of the most utilized recipes in my collection.