Monday, March 29, 2010

guten morgen, bitches

Sometimes I worry that people who don't see the inherent hilarity of the word bitches won't understand why on this bl*g they're frequently addressed as bitches. Other times I don't worry about this at all.

Some Monday morning reading, bitches.

[Via jshu.]


  1. Though I've only met two of them, I get the distinct feeling that the majority of the readers of this blog are #31/#14 hybrids. Or at least this reader is one, when he isn't suffering from a low-level depression from feeling like a #85, nearly always resulting in a dual identity as a #21.

  2. Not me, JQuiz. I am for sure #81, and possibly #76 if I only knew what it meant.

  3. PLEASE, EBids, I didn't want to call you out specifically, but you are the supreme 31/14. We bow to our queen.

  4. Oh my god, I am SO many of these bitches:

    short bitch
    uncreative bitch
    triflin' bitch
    suntanning bitch
    stanky butt bitch - obviously!
    pajamas outside bitch
    dirty hair bitch
    dry scalp and dandruff bitch
    stain on your pants bitch - also my shirt or anything I wear
    gay bitch
    hair dyeing bitch
    wearing shoes that be talking bitch
    dick riding bitch
    DEFINITELY a staring in your face bitch
    pissy bitch
    loud mouth bitch
    bitch who thinks she is better than you

    I'm not sure if I'm an ain't got no damn sense bitch but it seems like a pretty good possibility.

    I don't seem to be a can't keep a man bitch yet but if I develop into one I assume all you bitches reading this will kick my husband's ass for me.

    I think I am also a track wearing bitch if that means I like to wear track suits.

    GOD!! Being all these bitches is lots of work. I don't think I should have to work anymore. Perhaps you should all chip in and pay me to be a bitch full time!??!?!

  5. Uh, um, I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing, JQuiz, but I like the bowing part.

  6. I can't get over the possibility that a nine year old actually came up with "triflin' bitch."

    I was such an underachiever in third grade.

    Also, help a hopelessly white and square boy out - what's a coast signing bitch?

  7. Q, I wish I was a #31, but I'm actually a #69. Big time 69.

    William, I have no idear about coast-signing bitches, but if this is real it was written by one very observant third grader.
