Thursday, April 1, 2010

how things change

Last Friday on our morning walk it was 8 degrees. I was furious, but Chester got to wear one of his new custom-made outfits.

I call this one Chet D'Arthur, Dogge of the Rounde Table.

Tomorrow it's supposed to be 76 and sunny. Chester will go naked.


  1. Chester Arthur looks like a 17/42 in that outifit. (I dare not add 78 to the mix, lest the blog mistress go all 74 on my ass.)

  2. I agree with you re: 17, J Quizzle, but you are all wrong about 42. C-Art got that outfit for free, from his personal stylist/tailor EBiddie. And it's best you left 78 out, because I have, indeed, been known to go 74 on 5s like yourself.
