Or was that a dream? Hours spent reading by the fire, snowy walks on the lake, long baths in a cast iron tub.
No internet, no cell service, no phone.
And then we drove home and I stepped out of the car into a puddle of icy slush and the wind slapped me across the face like I was its bitch and I was all like, "Fuck this." I was like, "Rage, rage against the dying of the light." I was like, "Two roads diverged in the woods and I— I— what the hell am I doing living in Vermont?"
The Adirondacks really are lovely in the winter. Alison is from Lake Placid and every time we visit, I forget how much I hate this time of year as well. When we're there, I swear the slush is more sparkly and my cheeks are just "pink" instead of being "effing windburned from this hellbeast of a season."