Tuesday, March 31, 2009

it tastes like unicorns

Apparently the name "cake with internal sprinkles" was taken, so Pillsbury went with "Funfetti!" instead.


  1. HEY! I said it tastes like Unicorns! Are you stealing my stuff and using it on your blog?!?!?!? I am suing your ass.

  2. Mojie did say that line, and I knew she would make sure she was credited in the comments. (But if you still want to sue, I know a good lawyer...)

  3. Yeah, but I hear he ain't so cheap!

  4. Also, I had to repost because the security word I had to type in in order to post was "gyina" and I just thought everyone should know that.

  5. People just cannot stop posting comments about their gyinas and crocuses and hirsute parts; this is a family bl*g, people (by which I mean I have a family and I will steal their good lines and use them here).
