Wednesday, April 1, 2009

now i'm really, really worried about the economy

I actually gasped when I read this news. Not that I've ever watched the show. Not that my first crush was on Phillip Spaulding.

[I think my new favorite website is I love that in their "who's who" of characters section they have categories such as "aliases" and "crimes committed," and I love that in the "past marriages" category most characters have a list of at least five names. I was going to write, "Why did I ever stop watching soaps?" but I don't think I did; I just switched to soaps that air during primetime, set on the Upper East Side, in outer space, and on deserted islands.]

1 comment:

  1. A. Looks like there's no longer a reason to hold the babysitter hostage.

    B. As soon as I read the news, I immediately sprang over to GFD to search for clues as to whether or not you'd heard.

    C. Though I can't say he was my FIRST crush, Phillip Spaulding, as Alek McEntire on All My Children, blew my fourteen-year-old self's mind as he strutted around Adam Chandler's pool in a Speedo.
