Monday, May 25, 2009

the yachtsman wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot oar

It was a short long weekend in the Adirondacks, during which time I took up with ham in a pretty major way. I'd thought I didn't like ham (actually, for about twenty years I thought I was a vegetarian, another story entirely), but it turns out I only like certain ham. This ham was so good, I ate it as regular ham (three days in a row), and then I ate it in my mother-in-law's grandmother's "signature recipe," Oklahoma Ham Loaf. While not particularly photogenic, Oklahoma Ham Loaf is actually pretty tasty.

I'm currently working on my own signature recipe, which I hope will be a pork product topped with a pork product, but will more likely be toast topped with peanut butter.


  1. OK, this came out better than anticipated. There is a different standard in Oklahoma than in the NE, and it was a different time. Long story short, no leftovers!

  2. I heard you had it for breakfast the next day with an egg on top, which I'm very sorry to have missed, both because it sounds delicious and because I would like to have seen whether it made the yachtsman gag.

  3. I have to say I am nothing short of SHOCKED that the yachtsman didn't want to eat the meat topped meat, it seems like something he would love.

  4. Mojie, the yachtsman is an enigma. Wrapped in a riddle. And usually topped with bacon. But for reasons I don't entirely understand, he completely freaked out when JR started grinding up the ham. There was actual gagging and moaning. So instead of eating the homemade ham loaf, he took a pre-made, GROUND turkey burger from the freezer and cooked that instead.
