Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the hangover

I saw this movie over the weekend, and now I'm obsessed with this guy. Obsessed. OBSESSED.

In fact, I'm considering becoming a Mormon and marrying him. I hope the yachtsman will welcome his new hirsute, chubby, hilarious sister-husband into our family.


  1. What the F? Obsessed? Really? Really?

    -The Yachtsman

  2. Yachtshusband: Yeah, a lil' bit obsessed. (Is that an oxymoron?)

    J Quizz: I guess it would be a sexless marriage.

  3. Well, he IS hilarious, and, I think, at least part Greek. But Bradley my trite age he is worth obsessing over.

  4. I think Bradley Cooper looks like a not very nice person. Based on that nose and those beady eyes and that smarmy smile, I assume he's mean in real life. Not that I'm judgmental or anything.

  5. i think all 4 of them were pigs. just saying.

  6. But funny pigs, you have to admit. I woke up the next morning still laughing.

  7. B. Cooper may be a nasty person in real life - that jawline reeks of arrogance - but he also might be dating J. Aniston & therefore, I'm jealous... but of which one, I can't be sure.

  8. you gotta watch live at the purple onion. you ll get a girl boner
