Melt a little bit of salted butter in a small frying pan over medium heat. Crack in a fresh egg (purchased not from the grocery store but from the person who owns the chickens). Season with s&p. Scatter a few balsamic onions (you're a fool if you don't have some of these in your fridge) around the edge of the pan, out of the way of the egg. When the egg is a little crispy at the edges but while the yolk is still quite soft, slip it from the pan and set it on a bed of arugula. Scatter the warm onions here and there. Break the egg yolk. Eat. Wonder why you didn't make two.
Don't underestimate how delicious this is: The warm egg and onions wilt the arugula, the yolk and butter from the pan are the dressing...
The culinary wizard who thought this up called today with an updated version: Drizzle with basil oil (seriously, people, just make some) before eating. I'll let you know how that turns out.
you had me at balsamic onions!