If I were going to write a self-help book, it would be called Puppies!

We're not sure yet what his name is. I'm partial to Peanut or Scamp or Poodle, but the yachtsman isn't having any such cuteness: He's been advocating for Eugene or Gerhardt, gott help us. The pup came with the name Luke, which has its merits, namely that when I call him I'll sound like Aunt Beru when she's calling to Luke Skywalker (although if you follow that one through, I'll soon be killed by Imperial Stormtroopers and Luke will take off with Obi Wan and a couple of droids), and the yachtsman can one day gaze into the dog's eyes and say, "I'm your father, Luke," although the conclusion to that scene might be the dog plummeting off into space to avoid that horrible truth. We're open to suggestions, if you have any.
Did you ever hear the TAL about the guy who made an all puppy channel for TV? It showed puppies romping around and just being cute. There was a very funny theme song. It went something like this: puppies, puppies, puppies - set to music.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think Peanut is the one. It's what I've been calling him and will continue to call him. He is such a little Peanut. When he runs it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Arnold - Arnie for short. He just looks like an Arnold to me.
ReplyDeleteI am feeling Wally.
ReplyDeleteRemember this little guy will grow up....or at least grow long. I vote for a little sophistication in the name. If Eugene hadn't been such a jerk to the singer in Pink Martini, as well as a crummy father to Betty, I would vote for that. Gerhardt, no. Arnold....hummm?
ReplyDeleteIf we're going along the lines of sophisticated names, I suggest Herman (Hermie for short) or Chester (Chessie for short). But then again, will this dog be wearing a bow tie 24/7? Gerhardt would.
ReplyDeleteI would also add, Mojie, that Animal Planet airs a special alternative to the Superbowl every Winter that is creatively named, Puppy Bowl: oodles of puppies play with toys in a stadium-like pen, with no purpose for 3 hours. It airs while the football is being played on other stations and then re-runs are shown throughout the night. For me, this precious program acts as an alternative to laying awake & wired when the game is over.
ReplyDeleteKate, you should enter Herman into these nationally-viewed shenanigans.
i think you should name him oatmeal and call him oatie for short...but what do i know, i call my boy kitty handsome man.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDitch the sweater and get the man some leather chaps (and spring for a pair for yourself while you're at it; an excellent way to accessorize your Couch Jedi Outfit). So maybe they're not as practical for those New England winters, but they'd make for excellent photo opportunities for the blog.
ReplyDeleteI like Kate's idea (not mentioned here) of naming him Chester (hats off to StephFace) Arthur, one of two presidents from Vermont, and calling him Chet, or perhaps Art (my suggestion). I myself will call him, simply, Mr. President.
I should mention that the name Chester did not originate with me, it came from our friend Cameo, who suggested it last night. Cameo's other brilliant moves of the evening included doing a tropical malibu jello shot at the bowling alley and putting Donna Summer on the jukebox. What I'm trying to say is that Cameo has very, very good taste.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing what great comments come from the red states! Chet is perfect....as is Mr. President.
ReplyDeletehe's frickin adorable. jamie thinks he looks like a Leo. I kinda agree
ReplyDeleteI happily abandon my suggestion in support of Chester Arthur or Leo (perhaps Leopold or Leonard when formality is called for).
ReplyDeleteMr. President sounds perfect.
While I like the presidential theme, I wonder if you have given up on Star Wars too soon. How about Lando?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, you need to give any dog name the "calling it out loud in public" test, and make sure you won't be embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteAnd -- they say two syllables with a "y" sound ending names are easiest for dogs to pick up....don't know if that's true.
Beyond that...instead of Luke (Skywalker) how about Art Oodeetoo (but you can just call him Art, or Artie)
When I see the photos, I envision nothing but "Killer" or "Cujo". If you are looking for the exotic, the Spanish versions are catchy - "Asesino" or "Cujo" (perhaps pronounced "koo-ho") But, if it is something a little softer and more prep school you seek, Abbey suggested Ellison. I am quite certain that is a name that befits the handsome sweater vest. And if you affix an "E" to the breast of the sweater, one will not know if it is for Ellison or Exeter. Congrats on the cute puppy!
ReplyDeleteI think if nothing else today's entry proves that if you want to make the comments section on GFD blow up, write about either puppies or friggin' Twilight. Speaking of which, today's entry also has partially restored my faith in the readership of this blog--and a little bit, but not much, in humanity--in that no one, praise God, has suggested the name Edward.
ReplyDeleteThe homeless alcoholic lady who Chris saw squatting to pee in the park in the middle of the afternoon this past summer just suggested I name the dog Gordie, after her friend Gordon who is currently incarcerated for stealing. She also said she would crochet the dog a sweater but would need a ride to Michael's to buy supplies, although she couldn't go right then because she was charging her cell phone at one of the outlets on utility poles in the park. She did not approve of Poodle but liked the name Peanut. I am now leaning toward Leo or Lou, in spite of the compelling argument for Gordie.
ReplyDeleteWhile I would never vote for a paternalistic name like Edward, I could be swayed by an ever loyal name like Jacob.
ReplyDeleteHang on - back up. Did you bl*g about Chris peeing in the park? 'Cause I have a feeling that story's too good not to share.
ReplyDeleteUm, no. Chris saw the homeless lady peeing. Chris, as far as I know, doesn't usually pee in City Hall Park, but anything's possible.
ReplyDeleteHilarious - I totally misread that as "the homeless lady who saw Chris squatting to pee" and spent more than a few minutes trying to imagine how much Chris would have to drink to then choose daylight public urination as opposed to walking across the street to his luxury downtown apartment.
ReplyDeleteApologies to the Yachtsman.
Is it bad luck to change the name of a pet, or does that apply only to boats? I vote for 'Barack Obama,' although I think 'Chet' is pretty cool and also maintains the presidential theme...The homeless of Burlington carry cell phones?
ReplyDeletehe looks kind of like a George.
ReplyDeletewhat about Fido or Mr. Jones?
I agree with Katharine that Fido is an excellent name. Rover, Spot, and Snowball would also be good.