Thursday, October 1, 2009


Gruel for Dinner may, in fact, become a bl*g about puppies, because it turns out puppies are full of pee and must be walked every seven minutes, leaving no time for reading or writing or cooking (or choosing names, for that matter). For example, here's the recipe I used when our friend Beej Rog came over for dinner last night:

Dinner for Beej Rog
1. Order pizza
2. Call Beej Rog and ask if he would mind picking up pizza on his way to your house.

Classy, right? (Maybe that should be the dog's name: Classy. Or we could just call him Pee).

But I think cuteness in puppies is an evolutionary trait designed to compel puppy owners to gladly do puppies' will. I mean, who would mind waking at 3 a.m. to take that cutie pie out for a walk? Not the yachtsman, gott bless him.


  1. I know a great name for this cutie...Muzzer (or following the ie/y rule, Muzzie/y. The name seems to be a family favorite, and sounds about right for a dog.

  2. Oh, Muzzer, don't try to change your name to Anonymous. There can only be one Muzzer, and that is you.

  3. my friends have a hot dog dog and he is named sweetpea. it just seems to fit any hot dog dog i think. congratulations on your new baby!

  4. In that case --- how about Oscar, or Meyer.

    Or Hebrew National?

  5. That little Muzzer exchange nearly made me pee. Oh Muzzer - you poor poor thing. I apologize for any role I may have played in the furthering of what seems your permanent moniker.

  6. i'm not sure i've ever seen anything as cute as your no-name doggy. i can't wait to meet him in person :)

  7. If you won't name him Muzzer, then I vote for another family name; Pea Pot (seeing as how the Yachtsman might want to toilet train him vs. going outside @ 3:00 a.m). Apologies might be accepted William, but only after you've effectively lobbied for my name change. Until then,I'll remain... "anonymous."

  8. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I like 'Chester.'

    Sounds like taking care of your super-cute puppy is a lot like caring for a super-cute newborn. They also pee all over everything and demand attention at 3 am...But, hey, at least you don't have to breastfeed a puppy...

  9. Are you there God? It's me Muzzer. That's all I have to say.

  10. Gerald Durrell named his two boyhood puppies Widdle and Puke. And he told a story about a drunken Swede, in the middle of the night, addressing Durrell's mother as Muzzer.

  11. YEAH!!! Someone else calls a mother Muzzer! See, it's not so bad Muzzer. I came up with that when I wasn't even drunk. Clever me!!!

  12. So what's the verdict? Do we have a Chester? A chet? Peanut? Parsnip? Has a decision been made?
